e-SMP : Sistem Maklumat Pelajar (UPM)
e-SMP : Online Application System (UPM)
How to Apply

  1. Please read International Application Guideline before you submit the application. If you have a question please email to akd@upm.edu.my .

  2. If you have signed-up previously start at Step 4 of this page and use you existing username and password to login on Application portal .

  3. . Otherwise click the button‘ REGISTER ' at the bottom of this page, then complete the details requested on the ' Sign Up ' and click button ' Sign Up ' .

  4. After click button 'Sign Up' your user account will be generated and upon successful generation, your username and password will be shown. .

  5. Once you have successfully login into the Applicant Portal, you need to select ‘Choice of Programme’to enroll. Then click SAVE .

  • After choosing the programmes, applicant must complete all sections/fields especially fields with * marking :
    1. Profile Information
    2. Next of kin information
    3. Academic Information
    4. Diploma/Setaraf
    5. Co-curriculam Activities Information
    6. Maklumat Pekerjaan

    Note :
    1. Please click button SAVE to save all the information then click button NEXT to proceed to the next section.
    2. To confirm your application, please click on the checkbox of Verification section at the last section.